Friday, July 15, 2011

Its been 6 weeks...

It's been 6 weeks since I quit my job to pursue my dream job as a photographer,, if you are interested.  A week after I quit I was telling one of my friends that my husband and I would be on a strict budget which meant no more fun or even brand name cereal.  We would be living on one income until the business really took off and that was a scary thought.

A long time ago, one of my elementary school teachers couponed and she would bring in all sorts of supplies for us to use in the classroom so I started researching and came upon the TV show "Extreme Couponers".  My first thought was, there is absolutely no way you can do that.  Then I started thinking, What If.  So I started collecting coupons, more coupons, printing coupons and here I am now - I'm about a month into my version of hard core couponing - which isn't extreme yet since I only buy about 4-6 newspapers depending on the coupons and according to the shows, to be extreme you need at least a hundred of each insert and I'm not about to go diving in the trash for any.

I am really starting this blog to document my coupon journey and to show my friends and family how I'm succeeding at couponing and why they should start NOW!

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